Konverents “Kuidas kunst kujutab ajalugu”

Estonian Association of Theatre Researchers and Finnish Theatre Research Society welcome you to a joint seminar held on November 27.-28., 2009 in the Finnish Institute, Tallinn, Estonia.


Arts, especially performing arts and film, have the unique capacity to re-enact historical events and processes. They reflect as well as shape the current understanding of things past, their role and significance. During recent years the interest in showing and rethinking history has gathered surprising prominence, which is further propped by the fascination with personal histories. A notable factor in this process has been the widely celebrated 90th anniversaries of Estonian and Finnish national states. Both republics launched extensive cultural programs that included theatrical performances, films as well as thematic exhibitions.

These cultural events – or perhaps the coincidence of several circumstances – have raised interest in (re)presenting and (re)defining the past: mythical and documentary, fictional and factual, close and distant, personal and national, subjective and objective. Also the current trends in documentary and biographical literature question the limits of history and its ongoing performance.

We invite theatre and film researchers in Estonia and Finland to discuss the ways art performs history. Each presentation will be allotted 20 minutes followed by a 10 minute discussion. Students from all fields of theatre are welcome to present their research projects.

Please send abstracts (150-200 words) to teatriuurijad(at)gmail.com by 31.10.2009. Please inform us of the technical equipment you need.

The official language of the seminar is English.


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